Friday, February 25, 2011

Dying slowly, descending into madness, gibbering to the end.

The sweet pixie nerd. You know those girls whose ears stick out of their hair like elves, who wear long pants that are awkwardly short, whose legs are so skinny that none of their jeans fit right?
You know what I'm talking about?


They hide behind glasses and books. They're really sweet and quiet, but they do have a sense of humor. They're uncommonly intelligent. And they don't realize how pretty they are.
They do eventually, though. All of them do. They get haircuts and start wearing nicer clothes, and... it makes me kind of sad?

(Scarlett Johansson, just in terms of looks, comes to mind... kind of plain-Jane skinny.)

Hennyways. Under a haze of sleep deprivation and caffeine, I cut my own bangs last night. I don't know what I was thinking, man. I look like a dim-witted dope with bangs.

I think I was imagining a tasty combination of the pixie nerd with the nineties wispy bang—
WITH THE ADDED BENEFIT of hiding my very pimply forehead.

But, I don't know. Somehow, when I wear my glasses, it looks more like a combination between "One Of My Relatives From The Country" and "That Awkward Friendless Kid Who Always Smells Like Cheese."
I feel like I'm pretending now. I know I'm too materialistic and shallow to lead that ascetic, rather innocent lifestyle that I imagine would befit a math major.
Sorry. Sorry if this doesn't make sense and all. I'm rambling. My brain comes up with all these obsessive thoughts at night, and I'm just like, "...Yeah! That makes sense!" And, like, I blog about it. Because, like, all of my opinions, like, totally matter. And they need to be shared with, like, the whole world. I'm sure you agree.

You guys should totes honk for Jesus guys He deserves to be honked for 'cuz he's a great guy
i need to just like just stop like right now
before i become completely incoherentettttttzzzxoxoxoxo


  1. Ahh, so glad to have found your blog, it's really cool plus you post ninneettieess stuff! I shall follow!

  2. This is such a sweet post
    I always found myself wishing to be more like those people instead I'm loud and ridiculous

  3. I can't believe your english teacher told your class they were too dumb to read written on the body!! that is awful!!!! you should definitely read it, and not just to spite them! the first chapter is amazing poetic and quote-worthy.
    Maybe your fringe (bangs) just needs thickening up a little?? i think you would look really good with a thick fringe (but all wispy at the bottom, not just cut straight across) But i do just really like those sorts of fringes so no worries if you don't agree.
    also, my boyfriend looks a lot like jesus so i will honk for him anytime!!

  4. This is an interesting post. I don't really know what to say, it's sort of hard to keep up with what you're talking about, but I'm getting some vibes of you feeling different or out of place.

    I do love the pictures, they somehow all fit together even though they seem random. I like your blog, you have a really original writing voice.
